The recovery from surgery
July 10, 2024

I have had numerous surgeries in my life time, so I thought that this would not be much different from any of the previous times. While I am doing quite well by most standards, I am still short of my expectations. That has been frustrating until now. My leg doesn’t do what I want it to do without hurting.

I’m sure that this comes across as “poor me”, which it is not intended to. I realize that I am very fortunate, and I’m ahead of where all the medics expected me to be. It’s kind of funny when you realize that you are no longer that young man that is invincible. The one who cannot be harmed by anything or anyone. Time is a valiant opponent. One which you cannot defeat. I am not ready to completely give in, but I have come to the point that I know there are some things that are inevitable. Hopefully I have gained enough wisdom that I can accept that.